How To Get Tactical Assault Rifle Fortnite?

How to Get the Tactical Assault Rifle in Fortnite

The Tactical Assault Rifle (or “Tactical AR”) is a versatile weapon that can be used in a variety of situations. It’s a good choice for close-quarters combat, as it has a high fire rate and a relatively small magazine size. It can also be used at medium range, but it’s not as effective as other weapons, such as the Assault Rifle or the Suppressed Assault Rifle.

In this guide, we’ll show you how to get the Tactical Assault Rifle in Fortnite. We’ll also provide some tips on how to use it effectively.

How to Get the Tactical Assault Rifle

The Tactical Assault Rifle can be found in chests, supply drops, and as floor loot. It’s also a common drop from Supply Llamas.

You can also get the Tactical Assault Rifle by purchasing it from the Item Shop. The Tactical Assault Rifle is usually available for purchase for 500 V-Bucks.

How to Use the Tactical Assault Rifle

The Tactical Assault Rifle is a versatile weapon that can be used in a variety of situations. It’s a good choice for close-quarters combat, as it has a high fire rate and a relatively small magazine size. It can also be used at medium range, but it’s not as effective as other weapons, such as the Assault Rifle or the Suppressed Assault Rifle.

Here are some tips on how to use the Tactical Assault Rifle effectively:

  • Use the Tactical Assault Rifle in close-quarters combat. Its high fire rate makes it a great choice for taking down enemies quickly.
  • Tap the fire button to fire single shots. This will help you conserve ammo and make it easier to hit your targets.
  • Use the Tactical Assault Rifle at medium range if you have to. But be aware that it’s not as effective as other weapons at this range.
  • Aim for the head to do the most damage.

    Step Instructions Image
    1 Open Fortnite
    2 Go to the Battle Royale mode
    3 Land at a location with chests or supply drops
    4 Open chests or supply drops to find a Tactical Assault Rifle

    How To Get Tactical Assault Rifle Fortnite?

    The Tactical Assault Rifle (or TAR) is a powerful assault rifle that can be found in Fortnite. It is a versatile weapon that can be used for both close-range and long-range combat. The TAR has a high fire rate and a moderate damage output, making it a good choice for taking on multiple enemies at once.

    There are a few different ways to get the Tactical Assault Rifle in Fortnite. You can find it in chests, supply drops, and on the ground. You can also purchase it from vending machines.


    Chests are the most common way to find the Tactical Assault Rifle in Fortnite. They can be found in houses, buildings, and other structures. Chests are usually marked by a blue or purple beam of light.

    Supply Drops

    Supply drops are a rarer way to find the Tactical Assault Rifle in Fortnite. They are delivered by air and contain a variety of items, including the TAR. Supply drops are usually marked by a red smoke trail.


    The Tactical Assault Rifle can also be found on the ground in Fortnite. It is usually found in areas that have been recently looted, such as in houses and buildings.

    Vending Machines

    You can also purchase the Tactical Assault Rifle from vending machines in Fortnite. Vending machines are located in various locations around the map. They sell a variety of items, including the TAR.

    Tips for Getting the Tactical Assault Rifle

    There are a few things you can do to increase your chances of getting the Tactical Assault Rifle in Fortnite.

    • Search chests and supply drops. Chests and supply drops are the most common way to find the TAR. Be sure to search every chest and supply drop you find.
    • Look for areas that have been recently looted. The Tactical Assault Rifle is a popular weapon, so it is likely to be found in areas that have been recently looted.
    • Check vending machines. Vending machines sometimes sell the TAR. Be sure to check every vending machine you find.

    Using the Tactical Assault Rifle

    The Tactical Assault Rifle is a powerful weapon that can be used effectively in a variety of situations. Here are a few tips for using the TAR:

    • Keep your distance from enemies. The TAR is a long-range weapon, so it is best to keep your distance from enemies when using it. This will give you the best chance of hitting your shots.
    • Use cover to your advantage. The TAR is a powerful weapon, but it is also a relatively slow-firing weapon. If you are caught out in the open, you are likely to be defeated by an enemy with a faster-firing weapon. Use cover to your advantage to avoid being hit by enemy fire.
    • Be aware of your surroundings. The TAR is a versatile weapon, but it is not the best weapon for close-quarters combat. If you find yourself in a close-quarters battle, you may want to switch to a different weapon.
    • Practice makes perfect! The best way to improve your aim with the TAR is to practice. The more you practice, the better you will become at using the TAR.

    The Tactical Assault Rifle is a powerful weapon that can be used effectively in a variety of situations. By following these tips, you can improve your aim and use the Tactical Assault Rifle to its full potential.

    How do I get a Tactical Assault Rifle in Fortnite?

    There are a few ways to get a Tactical Assault Rifle in Fortnite. You can:

    • Find one in a chest: Tactical Assault Rifles are commonly found in chests, so you can increase your chances of finding one by searching as many chests as possible.
    • Eliminate an enemy who is carrying one: If you eliminate an enemy who is carrying a Tactical Assault Rifle, you will have a chance to pick it up.
    • Purchase one from the Item Shop: The Tactical Assault Rifle is occasionally available for purchase in the Item Shop.

    What are the stats for the Tactical Assault Rifle?

    The Tactical Assault Rifle has a damage of 30-35, a fire rate of 5.3 shots per second, and a magazine size of 30 rounds. It is a versatile weapon that can be used at close, medium, and long range.

    What are the best attachments for the Tactical Assault Rifle?

    The best attachments for the Tactical Assault Rifle are the following:

    • Aim Assist: This attachment will help you track your target more easily, making it easier to land your shots.
    • Extended Magazine: This attachment will increase the magazine size of the Tactical Assault Rifle, giving you more rounds to fire before you need to reload.
    • Suppressor: This attachment will suppress the sound of your shots, making it more difficult for enemies to track your position.

    How do I use the Tactical Assault Rifle effectively?

    The Tactical Assault Rifle is a versatile weapon that can be used at close, medium, and long range. However, it is most effective at close to medium range. When using the Tactical Assault Rifle, it is important to:

    • Stay mobile: The Tactical Assault Rifle is a relatively inaccurate weapon, so it is important to stay mobile to avoid being hit by enemy fire.
    • Fire in bursts: The Tactical Assault Rifle has a high fire rate, so it is easy to fire too many shots at once. To avoid wasting ammo and missing your target, fire in short bursts.
    • Use cover: The Tactical Assault Rifle is not as powerful as some other assault rifles, so it is important to use cover to protect yourself from enemy fire.

    What are some tips for using the Tactical Assault Rifle in Battle Royale?

    The Tactical Assault Rifle is a powerful weapon that can be used to great effect in Battle Royale. However, there are a few things to keep in mind when using it:

    • Don’t be afraid to use it at close range: The Tactical Assault Rifle is most effective at close range, so don’t be afraid to use it to take out enemies who are right in front of you.
    • Use it to finish off enemies: The Tactical Assault Rifle is a great weapon for finishing off enemies who are low on health. If you see an enemy who is running away, use the Tactical Assault Rifle to quickly finish them off.
    • Don’t be afraid to switch to another weapon: The Tactical Assault Rifle is not as powerful as some other assault rifles, so it is important to be prepared to switch to another weapon if you need to.

      the Tactical Assault Rifle is a versatile weapon that can be used in a variety of situations. It is best suited for close-range combat, but can also be effective at medium range. The TAR is a reliable weapon that can be used by players of all skill levels.

    To get the Tactical Assault Rifle, you can either find it in chests, supply drops, or from vending machines. You can also purchase it from the Item Shop. The TAR is a valuable weapon that can be a great asset to your arsenal. Be sure to add it to your collection and put it to good use!

    Author Profile

    Miranda Crace
    Miranda Crace
    Miranda is the owner and chief event officer of Spoke Events. She started the company after years of planning and styling event for friends and family. When she’s not planning weddings and events, Miranda is likely to be spotted at her favorite coffee shop, laptop in-hand or planning her next vacation. Miranda is also the owner and co-founder of Spoke Events sister company, Flourish.

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