How Much Sakura Mochi Did Mitsuri Eat?

Mitsuri Kanroji is a demon slayer in the series Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba. She is known for her incredibly strong sense of smell, as well as her love of food. In one scene, Mitsuri eats an entire box of sakura mochi in a single sitting. This act of gluttony has led many fans to wonder just how much sakura mochi Mitsuri can actually eat. In this article, we will explore the topic of Mitsuri’s sakura mochi eating habits in-depth. We will examine the evidence from the manga and anime, and we will come to a about how much sakura mochi Mitsuri can actually consume.


Episode Number of Sakura Mochi Eaten
Episode 7 1
Episode 10 2
Episode 12 3


The Amount of Sakura Mochi Mitsuri Ate

Mitsuri Kanroji, the Love Hashira of the Demon Slayer Corps, is known for her love of food. She is especially fond of sakura mochi, a type of Japanese rice cake that is often eaten during the springtime. In the manga series Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba, Mitsuri is shown eating an entire box of sakura mochi in one sitting.

The number of sakura mochi Mitsuri ate

The exact number of sakura mochi that Mitsuri ate is not specified in the manga. However, it is clear that she ate a large number of them. In the scene where she eats the sakura mochi, she is shown with a box full of the treats, and she is seen eating them one after another. She also seems to be enjoying them immensely, as she is smiling and blushing while she eats.

The time it took Mitsuri to eat the sakura mochi

Mitsuri does not eat the sakura mochi all at once. Instead, she takes her time and savors each bite. She is shown eating the sakura mochi slowly and deliberately, and she seems to be enjoying the taste and texture of the treats.

The size of the sakura mochi Mitsuri ate

The sakura mochi that Mitsuri ate were not very large. They were about the size of a golf ball, and they were filled with a sweet bean paste. Mitsuri was able to eat the sakura mochi easily, and she did not seem to have any trouble swallowing them.

The flavor of the sakura mochi Mitsuri ate

The sakura mochi that Mitsuri ate were flavored with sakura petals. Sakura petals have a sweet and floral flavor, and they are often used in Japanese desserts. Mitsuri seemed to enjoy the flavor of the sakura mochi, as she was shown smiling and blushing while she ate them.

The Reactions to Mitsuri Eating the Sakura Mochi

Mitsuri’s eating of the sakura mochi caused a lot of reactions from the other characters in the manga. Some of the characters were amused by her gluttony, while others were disgusted. However, most of the characters were simply impressed by her ability to eat so much food.

The reactions of the other Hashira to Mitsuri eating the sakura mochi

The other Hashira were initially surprised to see Mitsuri eating so much food. They were used to seeing her as a strong and capable warrior, and they did not think that she would be interested in something as frivolous as food. However, they quickly came to accept her love of food, and they even started to find it endearing.

The reactions of the other Demon Slayers to Mitsuri eating the sakura mochi

The other Demon Slayers were also surprised to see Mitsuri eating so much food. They were used to seeing her as a kind and gentle person, and they did not think that she would be capable of eating so much. However, they quickly came to accept her love of food, and they even started to find it funny.

The reactions of the civilians to Mitsuri eating the sakura mochi

The civilians were initially shocked to see Mitsuri eating so much food. They were not used to seeing someone eat so much in public, and they thought that it was rude. However, they quickly came to accept her love of food, and they even started to find it entertaining.

The reactions of the manga readers to Mitsuri eating the sakura mochi

The manga readers were divided on their reactions to Mitsuri eating the sakura mochi. Some of the readers found it funny, while others found it disgusting. However, most of the readers were simply impressed by her ability to eat so much food.

Mitsuri Kanroji’s love of sakura mochi is one of her most defining characteristics. She is shown eating sakura mochi on several occasions throughout the manga, and it is clear that she loves the treats very much. Mitsuri’s love of food is a source of both humor and endearment for fans of the series.

3. The Significance of Mitsuri Eating the Sakura Mochi

Mitsuri eating the sakura mochi is a significant moment in the story for a number of reasons.

  • It symbolizes Mitsuri’s strength and determination. Mitsuri is a small and physically weak character, but she is incredibly strong in spirit. She is determined to overcome her weaknesses and achieve her goals, no matter what obstacles she faces. Eating the sakura mochi is a sign of her strength and determination. It shows that she is not afraid to challenge herself and that she is willing to do whatever it takes to succeed.
  • It shows Mitsuri’s compassion and kindness. Mitsuri is a kind and compassionate person who cares deeply for others. She is always willing to help those in need, even if it means putting herself at risk. Eating the sakura mochi is a sign of her compassion and kindness. It shows that she is willing to sacrifice her own well-being for the sake of others.
  • It highlights the importance of food in Demon Slayer. Food is a central theme in Demon Slayer. It is used to represent a variety of things, including strength, determination, compassion, and kindness. Mitsuri eating the sakura mochi is a reminder of the importance of food in the story. It shows that food can be used to convey powerful messages and emotions.

The impact of Mitsuri eating the sakura mochi on the story

Mitsuri eating the sakura mochi has a significant impact on the story.

  • It helps to develop Mitsuri’s character. As mentioned above, Mitsuri’s strength, determination, compassion, and kindness are all highlighted by her decision to eat the sakura mochi. This helps to develop her character and make her a more complex and well-rounded character.
  • It deepens the relationship between Mitsuri and Tanjiro. Mitsuri and Tanjiro are two of the main characters in Demon Slayer. They are both kind, compassionate, and determined to protect those they care about. Mitsuri eating the sakura mochi for Tanjiro is a sign of her love and devotion. It deepens their relationship and makes them stronger as a team.
  • It shows the power of food. As mentioned above, food is a central theme in Demon Slayer. It is used to represent a variety of things, including strength, determination, compassion, and kindness. Mitsuri eating the sakura mochi is a reminder of the power of food. It shows that food can be used to convey powerful messages and emotions.

The legacy of Mitsuri eating the sakura mochi

Mitsuri eating the sakura mochi has a lasting legacy.

  • It is a popular meme. The image of Mitsuri eating the sakura mochi has been used in a number of memes. These memes have helped to spread the story of Demon Slayer and to make Mitsuri a more popular character.
  • It is an inspiration to others. Mitsuri’s strength, determination, and compassion have inspired others to overcome their own challenges. Her story shows that it is possible to achieve anything if you set your mind to it.
  • It is a reminder of the importance of food. Mitsuri eating the sakura mochi is a reminder of the importance of food. Food is more than just sustenance; it can be used to convey powerful messages and emotions. It can bring people together and it can make the world a better place.

4. The Controversy Surrounding Mitsuri Eating the Sakura Mochi

Mitsuri eating the sakura mochi has been met with some controversy.

  • Some people believe that it is unrealistic for a small and physically weak character like Mitsuri to be able to eat an entire box of sakura mochi. They argue that this scene is unrealistic and that it takes away from the credibility of the story.
  • Others believe that the scene is sexist and that it perpetuates harmful stereotypes about women. They argue that the scene is degrading to women and that it suggests that women are only good for eating.

The arguments for and against Mitsuri eating the sakura mochi

There are a number of arguments for and against Mitsuri eating the sakura mochi.

Arguments for:

  • The scene is a powerful demonstration of Mitsuri’s strength and determination. It shows that she is not afraid to challenge herself and that she is willing to do whatever it takes to achieve her goals.
  • The scene is a heartwarming reminder of the importance of friendship and compassion. It shows that Mitsuri is willing to sacrifice her own well-being for the sake of her friends.
  • The scene is a beautiful depiction of the power of food. It

    How Much Sakura Mochi Did Mitsuri Eat?

  • Question: How much Sakura Mochi did Mitsuri eat?
  • Answer: Mitsuri ate 50 Sakura Mochi. This is mentioned in the manga chapter 128, where she is seen eating a large pile of Sakura Mochi.
  • Question: Why did Mitsuri eat so much Sakura Mochi?
  • Answer: Mitsuri ate so much Sakura Mochi because she was trying to cheer herself up after a fight. She had been defeated by an opponent, and she was feeling down. Eating the Sakura Mochi helped her to feel better.
  • Question: Is it possible to eat as much Sakura Mochi as Mitsuri did?
  • Answer: It is possible to eat as much Sakura Mochi as Mitsuri did, but it is not advisable. Eating too much Sakura Mochi can lead to stomach pain, nausea, and vomiting. It is important to eat in moderation, and to listen to your body when it tells you that you have had enough to eat.
  • Question: What are the health benefits of Sakura Mochi?
  • Answer: Sakura Mochi is a healthy snack that is high in fiber and antioxidants. It is also a good source of vitamins and minerals, including potassium, calcium, and iron. Sakura Mochi can help to improve digestion, boost the immune system, and protect against disease.
  • Question: Where can I find Sakura Mochi?
  • Answer: Sakura Mochi is a traditional Japanese dessert that is typically made during the springtime. It can be found in Japanese grocery stores and online retailers.

    Mitsuri Kanroji ate 72 Sakura Mochi. This is a significant amount, and it is clear that she has a strong appetite. However, it is also important to note that she did not eat all of the mochi at once. Instead, she ate them over the course of several days. This suggests that she is able to control her eating habits and that she does not have an unhealthy relationship with food. Overall, Mitsuri’s love of Sakura Mochi is a harmless quirk that adds to her character.

Author Profile

Miranda Crace
Miranda Crace
Miranda is the owner and chief event officer of Spoke Events. She started the company after years of planning and styling event for friends and family. When she’s not planning weddings and events, Miranda is likely to be spotted at her favorite coffee shop, laptop in-hand or planning her next vacation. Miranda is also the owner and co-founder of Spoke Events sister company, Flourish.

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